Join us for a national gathering of activists, artists, scholars and organizers as we explore the enduring and living legacy of Malcolm X – El Hajj Malik El Shabazz – in the 100th year of his birth.
It’s an opportunity to reflect on Malcolm’s intellectual legacy and its continued impact on American culture, Black liberation movements, decolonial thought, and the struggle to be fully human. Through panels, live performances, a pop-up exhibit at the Beinecke, and a keynote event, we engage students, academics, and the public in a conversation that reflects the dynamism of Malcolm X’s political and religious thought, its academic study, and its impact on society. Ultimately, MX100 gathers to ask: Why Malcolm, and why today?
REGISTER at (link in bio).
Friday night will feature the 6th Annual Dr. Betty Shabazz and El Hajj Malik El Shabazz Malcolm X Memorial Lecture. This year we are honoring the pioneering activist and elder, “Queen Mother of Harlem”, Sister Aisha Al-Adawiya.
All details are at
Look out for more speaker announcements in the coming days!