This is a Dwight Hall student employment opportunity. Apply here,…

Co-Op After School (CAS) is the largest after school program in the state of Connecticut. We are looking for Yale students who can commit to volunteering at CAS regularly (once a week between Tuesday-Thursday 2:30-4:30pm). By volunteering with CAS, you will be providing invaluable support to New Haven high school students. This can include mentorship, tutoring, or just being a friend, based on what students that week are looking for. Please fill out the short form below if you are interested!
Application Process
- Complete the Yale Connect form:
- We will then review your application. Once it is approved, you will be able to register for this opportunity under the “Service Opportunities” page in Yale Connect, which can be found here: Service Opportunities.
Approving applications typically takes one week. If you have any questions, please email We look forward to reading your applications!
Read more about CAS here:
Read more about Co-Op High School here: