Ask OCS at Dwight Hall: Drop-In Office Hours

Join the Office of Career Strategy and Dwight Hall for drop-in office hours centered on demystifying common good and creative careers! Confused about job and internship application cycles? Want to learn how to better network with alumni in your fields of interest? Come by between 2 and 4:30 pm to share your questions alongside students with similar interests. This event […]

Virtual Event: “What’s Next for Ukraine?” with Journalist Jim Brooke ’77

RSVP here! Join us on Wednesday, March 19 at 7 pm ET for a talk on the war in Ukraine with distinguished journalist Jim Brooke YC '77.  This event will be hosted online via Zoom. The war in Ukraine is now three years on.  What’s the situation and future for Ukraine? Jim worked for 24 years as a staff reporter for […]

Reading Group – The Autobiography of Malcolm X

2025 marks 100 years since the birth of Malcolm X El Hajj Malik El Shabazz. It's an important anniversary and an opportunity for us to deeply engage his vision, life and activism so it can enrich and inform our work in the world today - especially in this time of mass death, social fracture, and climate catastrophe. Alongside Brother Malcolm, […]

“Doggerel”: A Poetry Reading by Reginald Dwayne Betts

Location: Wallingford Public Library, 200 N Main St, Wallingford, CT, 06492 or on Zoom Join us for a celebration of verse from one of America's greatest living poets! Reginald Dwayne Betts, a MacArthur Fellow and the founder & director of Freedom Reads, will perform an interpretive reading from his new poetry collection Doggerel. Simultaneously philosophical and playful, these poems are a meditation on […]

New Haven Civic Innovation Prize Pitchoff, Startup Yale 2025

Register here! Join Dwight Hall for the New Haven Civic Innovation Prize Pitchoff on April 3rd at Hotel Marcel! The New Haven Civic Innovation Prize, managed by Dwight Hall, awards up to $25,000 to the best student- or community-led venture or project focused on benefiting the City of New Haven. This pitchoff will kick off Startup Yale 2025, a milestone […]

MX100: Why Malcolm? Why Today? Conference

Join us for a national gathering of activists, artists, scholars and organizers as we explore the enduring and living legacy of Malcolm X - El Hajj Malik El Shabazz - in the 100th year of his birth. It's an opportunity to reflect on Malcolm’s intellectual legacy and its continued impact on American culture, Black liberation movements, decolonial thought, and the […]

Pilgrimage, Protest, and the Preservation of Memory: The Case of the 1977 Safar Uprising in Iraq

Location: WLH 309, 100 Wall St, New Haven, CT In 1977, an attempt to ban the Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq transformed a religious procession into a mass anti-government movement. The crackdown that followed—marked by armed confrontation, arrests, executions, and suppression—highlights a critical question: will gatherings for Imam Hussein always be understood, by political authorities, as carrying latent political potential? If […]

Ask OCS at Dwight Hall: Drop-In Office Hours

Join the Office of Career Strategy and Dwight Hall for drop-in office hours centered on demystifying common good and creative careers! Confused about job and internship application cycles? Want to learn how to better network with alumni in your fields of interest? Come by between 2 and 4:30 pm to share your questions alongside students with similar interests. This event […]