New Haven Community Management Teams

Community Management Teams (CMTs) are a great way to find out what is going on in your neighborhood. From planning community events to learning about public safety issues to meeting your neighbors, Community Management Team Meetings are where much of the conversation occurs. All are welcome. Find out the time and location of a meeting in your neighborhood below, and get involved today!

Neighborhood CMT Information Map

Monthly Meeting Information:

Downtown/Wooster Square

Meeting Location: City Hall
Office Address: 165 Church St.
Meeting Date/Times (Monthly): 3rd Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
Neighborhood Specialist: Elijah McLaurin
CMT Chair Person: Greg Ledovsky
Join the Email List here


Meeting Location: Dr. Reginald Mayo School 
Address: 230 Ashmun Street
Meeting Date/Times (Monthly): 3rd Thursday 6:00 p.m; except for August (No Meeting)
Neighborhood Specialist : Linda Davis
CMT Chair Person : Crystal Gooding

Dwight/West River

Meeting Location: Amistad Academy, Community Room
Office Address: 130 Edgewood Ave.
Meeting Date/Times (Monthly): 1st Tuesday 6:30 p.m.
Neighborhood Specialist : Tracy Claxton
CMT Chair Person : Florita Gillespie

East Rock

Meeting Location: mActivity
Office Address: 285 Nicoll St.
Meeting Date/Times (Monthly): 4th Monday 7:00 p.m.
Neighborhood Specialist : Diondrea Moore
CMT Chair Person : Elena Grewal

For a full list of New Haven neighborhoods, visit this webpage.

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