The Hijrah Walk: Retracing the Prophetic Footsteps from Makkah to Medina with Dr. Bilal Hassam (Founder, The Muslim Agency, UK/South Africa)

HQ 136 320 York Street   The migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Medina is one of the most iconic spiritual journeys in sacred history. With the aid of historians, geographers and intrepid adventurers, the exact route of that migration has now been plotted and replicated.  Dr. Bilal Hasaam, along with 12 others, recreated the journey earlier this year. We […]

Dwight Hall Family Weekend Library Cafe

Looking to wind down from the chaos of family weekend? Come stop by Dwight Hall for cookies 🍪 and coffee ☕️ + chit chat about all things community and service! We look forward to seeing you and your families there! WHEN: 3-5PM on September 28thWHERE: Dwight Hall Library (67 High Street)