DisDos 2024 Call for Proposals!

The Diversity in Science and Diversity of Science (DisDos) is a student-led organization that hosts science conferences that unites science advocates from different departments by providing opportunities for networking. DisDos is excited to share with you that we are planning a full-day region-wide medical conference in August 2024 (tentatively, the conference is planned for August 17 or August 24) called Diversity in Science and Diversity of Science (DisDos) in Medicine and Healthcare U.S.-U.K.-Grenada Conference 2024. 

In the past, DisDos has invited speakers from Yale, U.N., U.S. army, doctors, etc. We have a website where our previous events can be found! We invite Yale students to attend the conference and also present at DisDos 2024. Kindly complete the following call for proposals form by April 30, 2024. 

The conference will be online, and the target audience and speakers range from medical students from North England and foreign medical schools. If you have any questions or comments, please, contact Yamna Siddiqui at yimranhu@sgu.edu or Taha Siddiqui at timranhu@sgu.edu.

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