Our Mission:
As a group, the Living History Project aims to elevate patients' life histories and stories in the hospital setting by interviewing patients about their lives and composing written life narratives that are shared with both the patients and their medical teams. By sharing patients' life histories, we aim to humanize and personalize patients' experiences of care at Yale-New Haven Hospital. Additionally, we seek to assist our members in developing their skills as writers and patient advocates through a series of workshops, writing events, and discussions with guest speakers on narrative medicine with the ultimate goal of enabling our volunteers to best improve the patient experience.
Our Activities:
Yale Living History Project Volunteer Bonding Direct Service After our training each semester, we want to ensure there is bonding between volunteers involved in LHP. We hope to hold different events, such as small outings, to encourage talk and discussion about narrative medicine and how more we can enhance the Living History Project at the Yale New Haven Hospital.