Y2Y New Haven is currently accepting new student volunteers at…

Our Mission:
Y2Y New Haven is a joint initiative of students across New Haven, Youth Continuum, and Y2Y Network to open a student-run overnight program for young adults (ages 18-24) experiencing homelessness or housing instability in Greater New Haven. Y2Y New Haven will employ a youth-to-youth model to provide a safe and affirming environment for young adults experiencing homelessness. Y2Y guests have opportunities to collaborate with service providers, other youth experiencing homelessness, and student volunteers to create sustainable pathways out of homelessness and develop skills for long-term success. Y2Y provides opportunities for both guests and volunteers to become the next generation's leading advocates for youth-driven solutions to homelessness.
Our Activities:
Volunteer Events Direct Service To check in with volunteers about how their shifts have been going midway and at the end of each semester. Shifts at Crisis Housing Direct Service Volunteers, individually or in pairs, volunteer in 2.5 and 5-hour shifts at our partner organization's crisis housing center in New Haven. Returning volunteers conduct programming while new volunteers get to know the residents and the space. Volunteer Information Sessions Advocacy or Activism In order to inform prospective volunteers about our operations, we host Volunteer Information Sessions at the beginning of each semester. Community Engagement Events Advocacy or Activism Y2Y New Haven will conduct a resources drive for Youth Continuum every semester and partner with other organizations on and off campus to host events that engage the community in our work. Volunteer Recruitment Advocacy or Activism To attract new classes of volunteers, Y2Y New Haven booths at the Extracurricular Bazaar and Service Bazaar. We also meet with volunteers in the recruitment stage to give them more information about what we do and get to know them better. Community Partner Meetings Advocacy or Activism Y2Y New Haven leaders and volunteers meet with community leaders from Y2Y Network and Youth Continuum to discuss operations, transfer leadership, and conduct volunteer training.